Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Christine's secret naked journal--an addendum. And cookies.

I've decided this blog need nudity, so here comes some: I just got home from the gym, so I am about to go take a shower, for which I plan to not wear clothes. It's a brand new concept. WOO! NUDITY!

Also, on the topic of sorting my life out (like Shaun): if Peter Serafinowicz was in my non-blog journal, there would probably be more sex, or at the very least nudity, since Pete, even though he is a zombie, is naked for the better part of the movie. But I still don't think I want to have anything to do with zombies. In fact, a long time ago, I wrote a blog about how uncool zombies are, particularly the naked ones! In fact, let's just forget I brought up the zed-word at all. In fact, let's move on to a new topic.

I'm going back to work tomorrow, and I am PREPARED, with my lunch ready to go, and TWO KINDS OF COOKIES for my new/old coworkers. They never even knew I was a hella baker. Well, soon they will. They get chocolate chip and oatmeal craisin cookies. I get yogurt, an apple, Kashi TLC crackers and Shredded Wheat with strawberries. Who's clearly getting the better deal here? That's right: the people getting the free cookies. They're good. I checked.

In closing, fall has begun to fall, but I am not closing my bedroom window. It is just not that cold, and the equinox has not yet arrived. Even that might not be enough to convince me. Do your worst, nature! I have copious blankies!


Steve said...

Fun fact: Pete Sarafinowicz was the voice of "Darth Maul" in Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

Ask for baking, I remember once we got a shit-ton of apples with plans to bake them all, but we never did!


Christine said...

You know what I love about Pete? He's funky!

Last year I bought a shit-ton of apples, as well, and I baked NOTHING. And wait: didn't we bake some sort of birthday item for Diamond Dave??