Sunday, September 14, 2008

People LIKE my cookies. And my knitting.

I was having lunch today with Libby, and it came up that I knit. (Actually, it came up that I fell asleep Thursday night whilst knitting and watching Futurama. And that I said something about it at work Friday and got funny looks from a couple of my pharmacists. And then I said, "I'm never getting married, am I?")

"So what's up with the knitting?" Libby said.

"Well, I knit, you know," I told her. "Because I like to."

My mother taught me to knit a looong time ago, then re-taught me when I was about 19 or 20, and there's pretty much been no stopping me since. It makes me feel zenny. Creating fabric from string. I also like it because I don't think a lot of women my age do it, though a lady who runs a yarn shop near me told me not too long ago "it's making a comeback!" and I have no reason to doubt her. She's the expert! I imagine she can conjure up items with ease out of her brain that I would struggle to run up from a pattern.

I get such interesting reactions when I knit (or even mention knitting) in public, and even in private. The neutral "what's up the knitting?" of Libby, the "awwwww, you're knitting!" of my bestie and former roommate, Amanda, and the uninterpretable "I can't believe you made that" of some guy I used to work with.

So yeah. I knit. It rules. You can do it while you watch Futurama, or the news, or "Hot Fuzz," or while you listen to music, or books on tape, or while engaging in a stimulating conversation.

My work-cookies went over well at work. I made a lot of them, but of course, not enough. It doesn't matter how polite and dainty and restrained people are in their day to food makes everyone hungrier. Next time, I make double. No question. Good to know those oatmeal craisin jobbers are still popular.

And ALWAYS, ALWAYS let the butter warm up to room temperature. If you don't, you only do a disservice to yourself.


Anonymous said...

I knit and my husband calls me an old lady. Chris, I know you would NEVER call me an old lady...or maybe you would...
love, pam

Anonymous said...

DUDE, I had NO idea you knitted!! I have been wanting to learn to knit for like, at least a year now. I keep picking up the teach-yourself kit at the craft store and chickening out.

BTW, Stefan has told me numerous times that knitting is sexy. So there is the approval of at least one Y chromosome. And I guess I better get on that...