Saturday, October 25, 2008

I never want to hear [about] the following again:

* Joe The Plumber
* Joe Sixpack
* Ashley Todd
* Karl Rove
* Ann Coulter
* Rush Limbaugh
* Sarah Palin (NOT KIDDING.)
* Keith Olbermann and/or Chris Matthews (you heard me correctly)
* Bill O'Reilley
* Anyone who thinks it's a cool idea for Alaska to secede from the U.S.
* Bristol Palin. Because really, she's got enough problems.
* Any child with the last name Palin
* Jesse Jackson (sorry, but I think you've said enough, sir)
* Bin Laden, until you tell me he's dead and can confirm it.
* John Edwards
* His girlfriend
* Chocolate Skittles

I think that'll be fine for now.

1 comment:

Emily Hainsworth said...
